10 on 10 July

The Huxhams

When your clients became good friends you know you’re doing things right..

Some of you may have seen my Facebook posts Sunday so you’ll know I met up with Jem and her family over the weekend.

 Jem and I met just over 8 years ago now when she brought a then very little, blonde haired, blue eyed  ‘Skye’ to see me for photos. They soon became regular visitors and as Skye grew so did Jem and her little family. We talked all the time and I have watched her life change and evolve.. all for the better. A proper little fairytale story.

Jem married Brendon back in 2012 and spent goodness knows how long begging me to do her wedding photos.. I wasn’t super excited about that back then but she managed to talk me into it somehow.. surprisingly I enjoyed it despite my initial fears and they loved their photos, (I still wasn’t convinced then that weddings were for me then though haha!)

Then along came Jenson.. bump photos.. new born and well you get the drift. Eight very different years later I find myself still photographing her family and comparing all the changes from over the years. My ‘then’ editing was a huge shock firstly haha but the biggest change of all has to be Jem in herself. 

Jems story is her own to tell but I am so incredibly proud of her and how her life has changed for the immense better. She switched things around and worked her butt off to get to where she is now. With a husband that clearly adores her (and she him) two gorgeous kids and a strong family unit behind her.. the world is their oyster and I’m super grateful to be the one they ask to document it.

So for this session we were faced with harsh sun light and we ended up shooting at the hottest point of the day, we made it work though and they rocked it! 


Are they not the cutest? 

Head on over to the super talented Vicki’s blog and read her post,  to carry on through this blog loop and see what she’s been up to this past month!
